PHME Program


PHME Program

The Post High School Marine Experience

Hands-on marine experience for those who want to pursue marine science careers and excel outside of the classroom.

Want to enter the marine science Career path, but don't know where to start?

The Post High School Marine Experience, (PHME) Program could be the perfect place to start exploring your career options. Designed around the traditional PhD fellowship process, the PHME program invites applications from aspiring marine biologists, and future scientific technical writers who have an aquatic project they would like to pursue in our Zen4Blue Marine Science Center.  

Candidates awarded a “Zen-ternship” into the PHME Program receive financial support to gain the research experience and mentorship in scientific technical writing, with an opportunity to publish in our Zen4Blue Scientific Journal and present their projects at seminars and conferences.

At Zen4Blue Marine Science Center the goal is to provide an opportunity for individuals with a desire to enter into the marine science career path to gain hands-on experience working on research projects outside the rigorous and competitive requirements of academia. The PHME program is geared towards those who may not necessarily have the financial means to pursue advanced degrees and for those who excel better outside the classroom environment. Each year, candidates will be selected to participate in current projects at the Zen4Blue Marine Science Center or launch their own project; with opportunities to learn technical writing, laboratory skills, and gain field knowledge by collaborating with our team of mentors. 

The Zen4Blue PHME Program would love your support!

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