Zen4Blue Marine Science Center
Raising Funds to Launch Fall 2024
Inspired by our Founder’s favorite industrious marine biologist, Ed Ricketts, creator of Pacific Biological laboratory in 1923; the vision to create Zen4Blue Marine Science Center was born. And the plan is to launch its grand opening in 2024 in honor of 100 years of marine science research!

Much like Ricketts, Founder and CEO of Zen4Blue, Beverly Williams, studied various sciences in academia, but was persuaded by her passion for marine sciences to dive into an environmental consultant career in lieu of pursuing the time consuming pathway of advanced education. As she expanded in her career she realized the future generations did not have access to marine field experience outside of academia and wanted to share her passion.
“The PHME Program is a unique marine vocational experience. It brings aspiring marine biologists together to collaborate on their own aquatic projects and learn technical skills to launch their careers. Our hope is to bring their vision to life; to help them share in our common goal of saving marine life and restoring our ocean resources for future generations.”
— Beverly Williams, Founder, CEO
At Zen4Blue Marine Science Center the goal is to provide an opportunity for individuals with a desire to enter into the marine science career path to gain hands-on experience working on aquatic projects outside the rigorous and competitive requirements of academia. The PHME program is geared towards those who may not necessarily have the financial means to pursue advanced degrees and for those who excel better outside the classroom environment. Each year, candidates will be selected to participate in current projects at the zen4blue marine science center or launch their own project with opportunities to learn technical writing, laboratory skills and gain field knowledge by collaborating with our team of mentors.
If you or someone you know would be interested in applying for the program:
Email us at [email protected]
The Zen4Blue Marine Science Center by design is available for aspiring marine scientists, environmental technical writers and the community. The marine science center will host a variety of Ocean Explorers club member activities, environmental awareness community events, and be made available to our Tidal Wave Writers and other Zen4Blue mission programs.
Donate today to help launch our Marine Science Center
You can be the change our ocean needs to thrive and survive!